Clean Code: Meaningful Names

Names are everything! Files, classes, functions, variables all need a name, therefore we should cate about good names. Good names save more time than they take. Coming up with good descriptive names that don't confuse the developer who has to read the code in the future may come with no effort to some, but for others it may feel like a constant struggle. Readable, and intuitive names are a foundation of clean code. Let's take a look at some key principles that will help you come up with good names in your code. Intention Revealing The name of a variable, function or class must answer questions. Why does it exist? What it does? How is it used? A variable named instance or number is not descriptive enough and requires the user (developer) to figure out the context and the type of the variable in order to know what it does, a better approach would be changing the names to userAccount and balance respectively. Naming should be explicit and explain...